Disadvantaged Community Status
Much of the North Coast is designated by the State of California to be Economically Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) or Severely Economically Disadvantaged Communities (SDAC). Economically Disadvanted Communities are those in which Median Household Income (MHI) is less than 80% of state MHI while Severely Economically Disadvantaged Communities are those in which MHI is less than 60% of state MHI. SDACs are a subset of DACs, since they have MHI less than both 80% and 60% of state MHI.
The map below shows where projects are located relative to local economic conditions. The preponderence of projects located within Economically and Severely Economically Disadvantaged communities is indicative of both the prevalence of economic challenges in the North Coast and the NCRP's commitment to prioritizing projects that benefit DACs and SDACs.
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